Mandated Reporting
All employees and agents have an affirmative duty to report all actual or suspected cases of child abuse, abandonment, or neglect in accordance with this policy.
Look for the signs | Dial 1-800-96-ABUSE
The child may have unexplained:
- bruises, welts, cuts, or other injuries
- broken bones
- burns
A child experiencing physical abuse may:
- seem withdrawn or depressed
- seem afraid to go home or may run away
- shy away from physical contact
- be aggressive
- wear inappropriate clothing to hide injuries
If a child tells YOU about abuse:
Be a good listener. Show that you understand and believe what the child tells you. Encourage, but don’t pressure him/her to talk. Ask open ended questions.
Be supportive. Tell the child he/she did the right thing by coming to you. Stress that he/she is not to blame. Let the child know that you want to help.
Don’t overreact. This can frighten the child or prevent him/her from telling you more. Do not talk negatively about the suspected abuser in front of the child.
Document and report it. Document your conversation as soon as you can. If possible, write down the child’s exact words.
Don’t delay. Never assume someone else will report the abuse. The sooner it’s reported, the sooner the child and their family can be helped.
Doctors | Nurses | Social Workers | Police Officers | Child Care Workers | Any Witnesses
Any/All School Personnel
Call 1-800-962-2873 or Report it online